5 October 2011

WGSN Trend Research

I have done alot of research on WGSN in the last few weeks, I avoided it at the start of the summer as I wanted to get a theme and story in my head before looking at trends as I feel that this can stunt progress in the design process and influence you into unoriginal research. 

This was one particular piece of trend forecasting that I did find beneficial as I wasn't aware of the tweed and fur cross overs and also that velvet can be used as a faux fur.
WGSN quotes that "Wild fur inspires a new, savage outerwear aesthetic. Grizzled and coated effects add a rugged appeal to luxury velvets, while napped and needle-punched tweed
emulates manipulated and shorn fleeces."

I would like to use these materials mixed in with knit to create the mishmash concept I can picture in my head! I just need to translate these onto paper and into designs!

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